My Favourite Meal

The snack of the Gods


Launched in 1964 by Alex Foods, Doritos is a tortilla chips, crispy and flavored with roasted corn. In 1969 they launched the Taco flavor and in 1992 launched the most famous flavor, nacho cheesier.

Doritos is sold in many countries and in Brazil the best-selling are Nacho Cheesier, Dipper, Late Night and Sweet Chili.

Cristiane Santos de Oliveira is in teacher Leticia's Elementary class

My important meal is lunch. I like to eat rice, salad, meat, potatoes and fruit juice.

I don’t have breakfast at home, I have it at work. I like to eat bread, cheese, orange juice. Sometimes I drink coffee with milk.

For dinner I like soup or sandwiches but I prefer to eat Japanese food.

Elaine Martins, food critic in teacher Leticia’s Intro class.

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