Tell me about your plans for the summer. Lots of love, Chloe.

Lets go to Australia 

I am finishing my end of year exams in December and then I’m on holidays for two whole months. Isn’t it awesome? I’m thinking of going to Australia. Would you like to go with me? Also, I’m inviting some friends from Recife. And I’ll bet they are up for it. I’m really excited! Australia is a totally different country, with many things to do. From the exotic places you can go to, to the beautiful ones…from the beaches to doing dangerous sports with adrenaline junkies.

I will be searching for any kind of job, so I’ll be able to sustain my partying at night and also save money for emergencies in Australia. It’ll help me live there. Also, I will gain experience by living alone.

Living in another culture counts so much for my career! I told you in the last letter that I am studying International Relations and any kind of experience out of Brazil will give me better knowledge. I want a good job in an import-export business. So if I do business with an Australian, it’ll be really cool!

Well Chloe, I am also afraid to leave my country. There are so many things happening in the world, which don’t happen in Brazil. Yes, I’m talking about those natural disasters that we’re watching on TV and it makes me worried. I think Japan will soon disappear. It’s so frightening for the people who live there, watching their houses and families get destroyed.

Well, no more disasters. I’m still young and so are you. Lets live our lives while we still have them! So please write and tell me what your plans are for the summer. Are you going to Australia with my friends and me?

Lots of love,

Wilson Teixeira de Barros Neto, FCE

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