A Nightmare Journey

A nightmare journey that I remember was when I was eight years old (now I'm eighty-three). It was in 1928, in Brazil, there were a lot of Fords ''T'' , and I was travelling with my family in a Ford V8, when a weird accident happened. My dad was driving and I was in the back seat, my mom was in the front seat and it was 11:00 p.m.
The car's speed was about 62 kph, suddenly a cow appeared in the middle of the motorway, my dad stopped immediately, nothing happened with my parents (my mom and my dad) , but I  lost my baby teeth.
When the car stopped I hit my head onto the front seat, and my baby teeth were  on the car floor.

Can you imagine how my smile looked like!

Arthur Vitorino, 14 & Artur Freitas 14, Intermediate
Teacher Ibor

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